Struggling to decide which Ariana Strings ensemble would be best for your wedding day? I have a solution for you!
Over the years, we've amassed a huge video library of our live performances and now we have enough to compare ensembles on the same song. Today, we're diving into the classic wedding music favorite Canon in D (a.k.a. "Pachelbel's Canon")
String Quartet
The string quartet is the classic configuration for Canon in D
(It's who the piece was written for)
Violin, Flute, & Cello Trio
This trio features the flute, a gorgeous variation, don't you think?
Classic String Trio
2 Violins & Cello, this group is small but mighty
Violin & Guitar Duet
Looking for something off the beaten path?
Here's the fullest sound for our smallest group.
Which one is your favorite? We are booking out to 2025 now and can only accept a limited number of weddings, so fill in the Contact page to find out our availability today.